By Noah O’Brien, Jackson In Action Contributor

1. You should avoid all fats if you’re trying to lose weight



Approx. 25-30 percent of our intake should be from fats, which function to help the body metabolize foods, produce hormones, maintain healthy hair and skin. Fats also provide satiety or fullness. Healthier fats include olive oil, avocados, nuts, nut butter and lean meat.

2. Dairy products such as milk should be avoided in healthy eating patterns



Milk has benefits such as providing a reliable source of high quality protein. It is also a nutrient-packed food with essential nutrients in every glass of milk including Vitamin A, D, calcium, protein, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B2 and B12. Recommendations are 2-3 servings of dairy foods per day (More info. here)

3. The more protein you consume the more muscle you will gain.

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Consuming more than 30 percent of calories from protein could hurt your body. To build more muscle one should start by increasing caloric intake and exercise. The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics and the Amer. College of Sports Medicine recommends 1.2 – 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily for athletes. For example, a 150-pound athlete should aim for a protein intake of 75 to 150 grams of protein daily to increase muscle mass.   More about protein needs here.

4. The Keto Diet is the best to lose weight and keep it off



The keto diet promotes rapid weight loss because of the drop in calories and extreme reduction in carbohydrate intake. Unfortunately a significant amount of the weight lost (if more than two pounds per week) may be from muscle mass and water weight with a small amount from actual fat weight. The diet is also very low in fiber which is a necessary component for bowel health. Keeping the weight off can also be difficult as many people return to their previous eating habits. A healthy balanced eating pattern such as the “MyPlate” approach shown in the link below is a healthier long-term approach for weight loss.  More about MyPlate here.

 5. Bread products should be eliminated due to empty calories and high carbs. 



Whole grain breads provide healthy components such as fiber and important nutrients. If you eliminate breads or other fiber containing foods like rice and cereals digestive health may be impaired. Focusing on healthier carbs such as whole grain breads and crackers, fruits/vegetables and dried beans and legumes provides the kind of fuel the body needs to function well.